Quick PocketOnly for Quick account users+ Quick Pocket app will act as an easy platform to carry Documents and Reports generated from Quick Account.+ User can upload any Invoice/Report or any other printout in form of PDF to view it his mobile app. While viewing the document, he will be able to share it to any mobile he wants by way of all the share options available in his mobile.+ All this uploaded material will be in his personal pocket. Nobody else have access to this pocket But, user have liberty to share it to the person he wants. Any time he can access to the whole list of shared files in mobile, and he can delete any or all files at any time from his mobile.+ No need to care for backups of reports & documents uploaded. Because on re- installing application, you can get all documents again without any extra efforts.+ Users will also receive notifications related to Quick Account program, and updates available after viewing the message, it will be any time in the *History* page.This application is built only for Quick Account Software. Developed by K. P. Soft Services.Version Supported: QA5 5.20 or aboveEnjoy your data at your fingertips !